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Variance to allow for 90-minute registration.


BigHorn Rodeo is a WPBR-approved event.


NGRA will NOT have an on-site veterinarian.   Contestants should contact Desert Pines Equine Medical and Surgical Center at (702) 645-2247.   They have a 24 hour on-call service.


There will be an on-site farrier during each rodeo performance.   For farrier services, contact Kris Rankin at (702) 858-3686.


Online Contestant Registration opens March 24, 2025, at 12:00 a.m. MDT

Online Contestant Registration closes May 9, 2025, at 10:00 p.m. MDT

Registration will take place on Friday, May 23, 2024 from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at Horseman's Park located at 5800 E. Flamingo Road, Las Vegas, NV 89122. All contestants must be registered by close of registration at 6:30 p.m. to compete in the Rodeo.

Registrations must be accompanied by a non–refundable deposit of sixty dollars ($60.00).

Contestants are encouraged to pre-register to ensure the association has sufficient stock on-hand and to prevent late fees from being assessed.


Contestants are required to pre-register for rough stock riding and roping events to ensure the availability of appropriate stock.  Late fees will apply for any contestant who did not pre-register and wishes to participate in a rough stock or roping event, subject to stock availability and Rodeo Director approval. 

A late fee of $50 will apply to contestants who did not pre-register for the rodeo and to contestants wishing to add any events they did not pre-register for, except for Speed Events and for Camp Events in situations where they are completing a team for a contestant(s) who did pre-register.


Contestants who do not pre-register and reserve the appropriate number of stalls may be subject to the facility rate of $15 per stall/per day, for all additional horse stalls.  Stall fees are non-refundable.

Late fees may be waived at the discretion of the Rodeo Director for unforeseen circumstances or if the association determines it is appropriate to increase participation after the close of online registration.


The non–refundable entry fee deposit of ($60.00) and additional stall fees will be forfeited to the host association if the contestant fails to show for the rodeo. Contestants must notify the Rodeo Secretary or Rodeo Director before registration closes if they are experiencing any unforeseen circumstances preventing them from completing their registration process on time.  Ideally, the contestant should plan for another contestant to complete the registration process and pay any remaining fees on their behalf, so only the signature on the entry form will be left outstanding.


Thanks to the Garage, NGRA will be providing a rodeo school on Friday, May 24 from 10:00am - 2:00pm.   Rodeo School will be free to anyone who does not have an IGRA number.   IGRA competitors wishing to participate will be charge $5.00/go and will be allowed to participate after rodeo school students have finished.  If you will be participating in the rodeo school, please pre-register at Rodeo School Registration.

If you've never competed in gay rodeo before but have always wanted to, here's how to get started:

  • If you plan on bringing a horse for competition please see the Horse Information page.

  • All contestants must belong to an IGRA member association. You can join NGRA to qualify.

  • New contestants can register for their events at Friday evening registration - to be held from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at Horseman's Park, 5800 E. Flamingo Road, Las Vegas, NV 89122. All contestants must be registered by close of registration at 6:30 p.m. to compete in the Rodeo. 

  • New contestants are not required to fill out the registration form until Friday at registration.

  • You will receive a copy of the IGRA Rodeo Rulebook at registration. You can also download a copy from the IGRA website. It is your responsibility to be familiar with the requirements listed within the IGRA Rodeo Rulebook.

  • Each IGRA event is $30.00 per event per day. All entry fees paid during registration must be paid in cash, money order, or credit card. New contestants are exempt from all late registration fees.  If you have been issued a four-digit IGRA contestant number within 30 days of the rodeo registration date, you are NOT considered a new contestant, and applicable late fees will be assessed.

  • Events are divided into four categories - visit the Event Descriptions page for full descriptions.


New Contestants MUST attend the New Contestant Meeting. The place and time of the meeting will be determined and announced at contestant registration.  New Contestant Meeting will be held at the Rodeo Grounds..


If this is your first time competing in an IGRA sanctioned Rough Stock events, please note the following:


It is the rider's responsibility to secure the following prior to the Saturday or Sunday Rodeo Events.

  • All necessary equipment (Rigging, Spurs, Bell, Bell Loop, Vest, Helmet, Mouthpiece, Glove, rosin, and if sharing a rigging - fill out the shared rigging form at registration).

  • Rider must secure commitments from "seasoned" Assistants to act as your Safety, and your Rigging Puller / Setter (these are not provided for you).

  • The Rider must know how to rig their own animal, and set the rigging to their specifications for a safe ride. Rider should not expect, or rely on others to do this.

  • Check in with your line up assistant behind the chutes well in advance, so you can rig your animal as soon as you can.

  • Be prepared to ride! The Chute Crew may skip a rider due to an unforeseen issue, and may be coming to you at a moment’s notice. You should have all your equipment on, and be ready!



All contestants are required to wear the following when competing:

  • Must wear a long sleeve shirt for all events except for camp events.

  • Must wear long pants for all events except for camp events.

  • Must wear a western hat or helmet for all rough stock, speed and roping events.

  • Must wear contestant number on their back when competing.  If wearing a safety vest, the number must either be on the vest or the contestant must be prepared to show their number, upon request, if it is on their shirt.

  • Must wear boots that minimally cover the ankle and have a heel (does not apply to camp events, but you must wear closed toed shoes).


Buddy Passes will be available for $40.00 at contestant registration only. Purchaser must be accompanied by a registered contestant to obtain a Buddy Pass and sign the standard IGRA Liability Waiver.  Buddy Pass holders must be at least 18 years of age and adhere to the same rules as the contestant when in the chute and/or arena area.  Buddy passes are limited to one per contestant and proof of age may be requested.


Event buckles will be awarded to the contestants or teams achieving the best combined time or score of both go-rounds.  If a contestant or team does not place in both go-rounds, awards will be presented to the best time or best score for a single go-round provided the contestant with the best time or score attempted to qualify in the event both go-arounds.  If no one places either day, awards will be returned to the sponsor(s).  


BigHorn Rodeo Running Order can be found HERE however, is subject to change.


Information related to RV Space, Horse Stalls, Veterinarian and Farrier as well all other general horse information can be found HERE.



For more information about Horseman's Park (rodeo ground), please visit their website.

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